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Ritual, Secrecy and Civil Society journal

I ran into a journal called Ritual, Secrecy and Civil Society. That doesn’t immediately sound like a journal about Freemasonry to me, but it sure is! It appears to be an academic publication. The website says:

The focus of this journal is on peculiar contributions to the social capital of ritual and ceremony, often accompanied by secrecy and  covertness that have been noted for many years — but understudied. The unraveling of these myriad influences, including their consequences for the way they have figured in the evolution of the body politic, the corpus reipublicae mysticum,  is no small task.

The journal had its first issue in 2013 and the current issue is from spring 2022. Most issues can be read on the website. There proves to be some information about the forms of Freemasonry that this website is about.

The entire volume 4, no. 2/volume 5, no. 1 (2017) is about Latin American Freemasonry. Also there are articles about:

  • Address to the 2002 California Masonic Symposium by Alain Bauer, Grand Master of the Grand Orient of France Sacramento California, July 27th, 2002 (1/2 2013)
  • Election, representation, and democracy: debates surrounding the organization of the Grand Orient de France (1773-1789) by Pierre Mollier (2/1 2014)
  • The ideological foundations of the Grand Orient de France by Daniel Kerjan (2/1 2014)
  • Freemasonry Within French Society Between 1815 and 1945 by André Combes (4/1 2016)
  • Oswald Wirth and the Symbolic Revival in Freemasonry by André Combes (4/1 2016 partly about Wirth’s relationship with mixed gender Freemasonry)
  • Jinarajadasa (1875-1953): A Bridge Between East and West by Jean Iozia (4/1 2016 partly about Jinarajadasa’s membership of co-Masonry)
  • The Universal League of Freemasons (ULF): A Little-Known History by Denis Lefebvre (6/2 2018)
  • The Grand Orient of the United States of America: A Modern Masonic Experiment? by Dr. David Harrison (8/1 2021)

And a couple about Freemasonry and women.

There are plenty other articles about history, symbolism and what not, so if you are looking for something to read…