
CATENA was founded in July 1961 by three Grand Lodges from Germany, the Netherlands and Austria which adhere to the basic principles of the equal standing of men and women in Freemasonry.

These Grand Lodges were:

HUMANITAS” Freimaurergrossloge für Frauen und Männer in Deutschland
Nederlandse Grootloge der Gemengde Vrijmetselarij NGGV
Österreichischer Universaler Freimaurerorden “HUMANITAS

CATENA is an international association of Grand Lodges and independent Lodges, with all true Masonic traditions being respected without any one member lodge claiming a dominant position.

The official name of this Association is International Masonic Union CATENA.

According to their website, the members per 15 August 2022 are:

Großloge Humanitas Austria

Czech Republic:
Velkolóže Humanitas Bohemia

Groupement Maconnique de Loges Mixtes et Independantes

Humanitas – Freimaurergroßloge für Frauen und Männer in Deutschland

Great Britain:
The Order of Ancient Free Masonry for Men and Women
Grand Lodge Of Modern Mixed Masons

Grand Lodge of Freemasonry for Men and Women Greece

Ordine Massonico Tradizionale Italiano

Romanian Masonic Mixed Order

Maçons Lliures Mare Nostrum