The Wikipedia quote on the index has a long list of acronyms of umbrella organisations that “Continental” Grand Lodges are member of. This website doesn’t aim to make a list of all Grand Lodges that would fit the term, but if you are looking for such a Grand Lodge, it may be helpful to see the member-list of some such umbrellas. They are not at all exhaustive. The fact that a Grand Lodge or independent lodge is no member of any umbrella doesn’t automatically make it a “scam” organisation. With all the variety it is virtually impossible to make a list of “Continental” Grand Lodges that everybody agrees with are descent organisations. Therefor this website doesn’t have that ambitious aim. When you find an organisation and you’re not sure if the organisation is any ‘good’, some to Reddit and see if anybody knows more.
I haven’t been able to identify all organisations that Wikipedia lists, but here we have some of the umbrellas. Click on the logos to see their membership lists (as listed on their websites on 15 August 2022).

International Masonic Union Catena was founded in 1961 in Europe.

C.L.I.P.S.A.S. or Centre de Liaison et d’Information des Puissances maçonniques Signataires de l’Appel de Strasbourg (Centre of Liaison and Information of Masonic Powers Signatories of Strasbourg Appeal) was founded in 1961 has about 100 members all over the world.

EMA / AME, European Masonic Alliance or Alliance Maçonnique Européene is an umbrella for European Grand Lodges.